Sunday, May 2, 2010

Due To Weather...

My barrel racing this weekend was cancelled/postponed.

I was NOT bummed.

My last week went to pot about Wednesday afternoon. The wind came up. Actually it howled.

It managed to take part of the barn roof off...

So guess what is now on my immediate lists of projects? Yep...finishing tearing off that barn roof.

Saturday, we got in a good day. My Honey mowed the lawn at the new place and tilled up the garden. Meg and I did manual labor.

My cleaning spree is pretty much halted until they come dump my dumpster...

I'm tired, achy and cranky. Getting older is not for the faint of heart!

We are supposed to have nicer weather this week. So far, no 'windy' days in the forecast.

I have to get humping on those two I brought out to get started.

I have had the sorrel horse saddled....

He was a piece of cake. A few days of saddling and ponying and I will have to see if that HS kid will come over and put the first few rides on him. There will be no hesitation getting him going this year.

The big bay is coming around. At least I can walk in the pen and pet him, catch him, groom him and pick up his feet. I'm not sure trimming his feet is going to be much fun, but it has to be done before I start working him. He has some long toes.

I don't anticipate he will be much of a problem to start saddling. He's a really kind colt. I like him, but he sure is different than any of our other horses. Not sure what he is going to be good for. My middle brother(who actually owns the horse) sure has a soft spot for him though, so onward, forward ho...

Moon's cough is back. Not that it ever really goes away a 100%, but it's one of those things that bothers me when I hear it. MSM is on the way. Hopefully it works as well as it did last year.

There's more...there's always more. It's impossible to have this many irons in the fire and not have a bajillion things going on at once....Stay tuned.

Sorry no pics...I'm just to darn tired and crabby to bother loading them. I would love to be in bed sleeping right now, but my darn hips just about have me in tears. If only the Tylenol would kick in...


City girl turned Country Girl said...

This wind has been ridiculous!!! Here in KS I too thought it would never end!! Finally yesterday was like a breath of fresh air with how calm it was!

Hope your hips get to feeling better! That physical pain crap can really wear you down in a hurry!

Unknown said...

It's been raining stupid here too. It'll dry up just enough to ride then pour again.

Danielle Michelle said...

Welcome to Spring in CO. The Wind sucks doesn't it?

Oh how I wish I could be riding my youngsters! Not until Sept. though! My little Mustangs all I trust to take complete care of the bun in the oven. I'll so be following your racing and training updates!

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Getting older , spring weather and spring projects = grumpy gals! I so hear you on that , whaen did it all go to crap? I remember when I could do it all!

Andrea said...

We have had some crazy winds here too. They are all out of the south and super humid winds!! It finally rained the other night and the humidity has calmed down a bit.

It's great that you get out and ride, I can't wait until I can do that. It's hard to take the kid in the cast out in the heat.

Lil Mama said...

Don't worry. Pretty soon you'll be so hot you won't want to ride. I now that's how I usually feel around June until August.

Dena said...

Oh man sister you ain't a kidding. Have you tried Advil or Ibuprofen? For some reason that seems to work faster on the aches and pains.
That just plain sucks about the roof.
I hate to add to your to do list that screen cleaner on the way yet?
You so owe it to me. Monkey humping a footbal. Where do you come up with these insane one liners?

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

The sun shone today so it was a much better day. Unbelieveable how much the weather affects my mood.

LOL-Dena...I don't know, they are just sayings I have grown up with. My dad was 'colorful'.;)

I don't even want to wish for more hours in the day. I can barely make it through the 9-10 hour days as it is.

MH picked me up some Motrin. I hate having to take that stuff regularly. Not good for your kidneys ya know. But it's either pain relief or no sleep.