We've pretty much settled into a routine here. As always, when you are involved with animals, most of what you do is the same old, muntane tasks...day in, day out, so it gets harder to find things to blog about.
Don't get me wrong...when it comes to animals...especially the horses...muntane and routine is GOOD.
Things are coming along though, I am getting Frosty and Moon rode regularly. The sorrel horse, Bugs has been saddled several times and ponied. He did yank away from me the first day though and freaked out about the lead rope dragging. I guess now I know that the horse can't buck. He makes a lot of noise, but that's about it. He got to drag a leadrope around the pen for a day until he finally figured out that it wasn't going to eat him. I think I am going to hire a guy down the road to put 30 days on him when he is all settled down though. He is just too darn stout for me if he would decide to blow up.
By the time I get horses fed and watered, pens cleaned, horses worked, brushed, bathed, feet cleaned and all of the trimming that seems never ending...
It doesn't leave much time for all of the other things that need to be done too. MH finally told me to hire one of the high school boys to haul hay for me when I need it, tear the roof off of the little barn and whatever else I want/need done, so that I can focus on the horses and not wear myself out so much.
Megan helps too. She does a great job of coming over in the evenings, taking care of her own horses and getting them rode. She still has a few weeks of school left, so I don't want her wearing herself out either.
Now we are starting to run into the scheduling conflicts I had anticipated would happen. Megan is interested in participating in some of the local playdays and the first one is this Saturday. I also have a barrel racing in Delta. Luckily, this time I will be able to take her and her horses to this playday, drop them off and go on to my barrel racing. When I get done running, I can come back and pick her up. I'm hoping that for other events, that either MH will be able to haul her or we can hook up with some of her friends to come get her.
How old is Megan? Can't be that long til she's driving herself and you're missing having to haul her around! lol
Sixteen. I will be enrolling her in a driving course as soon as school is out. Darn thing costs $450, but at least we will get a break on the insurance that way. She knows how to drive, but I'm not sure I'm ready to turn her loose with a p/u and trailer yet-LOL.
I was so ready for my son to start driving. I think it was as exciting for me as it was for him, just so I wouldn't have to try being two places at once.
I'm with you, honey: boring is GOOD. If that means I don't blog as often, so be it!
Great you get to hire someone to help with the drudge labor. Megan sounds like she is really doing great too - bet she really appreciates having the big blue roan brute with her! (I get a kick out of those pictures of her on him bareback - he looks HUGE!)
Here although they can drive at 16 they can't tow anything until 18. Can't drop them off at a show if they are underage either - someone, either a parent or an adult with medical power of attorney, must be present.
sounds like you're keeping busy! I just picked up a horse last weekend - finally! It's been 3 years since I've had one and it felt like a piece of me was missing! Check out the pics, www.kristendilka.blogspot.com She's beautiful... and I need name suggestions!
Busy yet mundane sounds like a good thing! Glad things are going well with the new place and the horses...
Also good to hear that Megan is doing well with her horses and chores. She is lucky to have you guys to teach her to drive the truck/trailer when she's ready, seeing as how it is a bit trickier than regular driving.
Trying to figure out why I keep getting an error message when I post a commnet
I hear ya, the shits hitting the fan all at once here. So much to do. Gosh I can't wait until the Monday after next when I run off to Ireland.
Sounds like you are getting a lot done! I wish I could afford to hire someone to pull weeds and mow my lawn! Although I love to mow, I might not have much time for it this year.
I am actually thinking I might not have as much time with my own horses as I was hoping. We are crazy busy at work right now and I am getting home so late. I will be lucky to get my own horses worked for the next couple months. Will be tough times. I guess that is part of the job though.
Good luck at your barrel racing and hope Megan does well at the play day!
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