He was doing like 25 miles an hour on a 55 mile an hour road. There was a line of cars behind me and I kept having to swerve over to keep the jack-ass behind me from trying to pass ME, in a no passing zone. I finally slammed on my brakes and the jerk backed off.
When I turned onto the side road going to my house, I had to get a side view for ya...

This guy was nuts...stupid...or both! His load wasn't even tied down. :O
Colorado...ya'll are just as goofy as the dorks on the Reservation. LOL
It's the thinner air BECG... ;)
(Course, down HERE we blame it on the brain has boiled away in the excessive and oppressive heat and humidity...)
Talk about optimism:)
Amazing what some folks can get away with, from a sheer physical laws point of view.
Lucky no-one got hurt.
WHAt? My hubby was hauling hay in Colorado??? Kidding ,but he has built some big stacks on his truck , only for short hauls and always tied down
Yeah, we see that here too. It is a wonder that none of it ever falls off...
This guys load was so heavy, the nose of his pickup was sticking in the air-LOL. I bet it's hard to drive when you can't see the road-LMAO.
Whew! Finally a productive day at The Ranch.;) Water on, leaks stopped, Garbage out of house, Shed cleaned and Horses moved.
Once we get the dumpster there, this place is not going to take long to clean up at all!
Pics this weekend...I promise!
My sweetie's rule of thumb--three high and a tie. Since we usually haul on wagons; that was only tested once. Scary enough for me!! That guy was sure tempting fate and I hope he made it home without leaving bales along the road!!
LOL, that is awesome!! It just goes to show there are rednecks everywhere!! Ha ha ha ha!! At least he was getting some hay for his animals, right? LOL!!!
I'm going to have to share this pic with Dave. He hauls hay every weekend and is usually very careful. still he's been known to lose a bale even with the load tied and the height where it belongs and he feels pretty darn stupid when it happens. I can't imagine what he'll think about this guy defying the odds of gravity.
I hate to see what that guy would do here on the hills we live with. Scary even on the flat.
Glad to hear things are coming together on the new place. Can't wait for pics.
Ya I know - ever since my accident I have noticed how nuts people get so much more than before. I mean you see that and think "wow what a jerk!" I see that and think "wow, is passing a hay truck worth your life? kids alone at home? a crying wife? parents left wondering why -- really?
It's like if people have to "WAIT" to pull out on a HWY or to get around someone or at a stop light/sign too long they almost get into a panic. It's weird - real weird. I have seen people take HUGE risks after waiting at a stop sign for just a couple of minutes to pull out on the HWY. It's like after a certain amount of time has passed their gonna die if they can't pull out. So they do, in the winter, on ice, in front of semi-trucks.... crazy.
Late to work? Better than dead. That's my thoughts on the subject.
Now that is what you called a tied in load of hay... And sheer dumb luck he didn't hit a huge pothole and dump the works, LOL! Pretty amazing.
OK - I don't 'always' tie down my loads, but they are NEVER that big! ;)
I'll blame it on the thin air. It's not our fault.
Too funny! Well at least us Floridians aren't the only ones suffering the fools of the road. The first time I saw a bumper tied on with twine, I realized the importance of vehicle inspections! Lol! Thanks for the giggle!
My oh my! No Aerodynamics in that getup! I would hate to be the poor guy behind him if a bale did bail!LOL!
Can you tell me specifically which Hancock lines are the ones with a bad rap? I'm just learning some of the old foundation lines and would like more information on some of the primary and secondary popular ones. Didn't you do posts in the past like that? I found them of great interest! I'm just into reading about them. It really doesn't matter what ours are. I don't like how bloodlines get pigeonholed either. Can't wait to see more photos of your place! Thanks for stopping in!
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