The girlies are definitely ready to go outside... A zero mortality rate. Not bad for not having raised chickens for 20 years. ;-) The only issue we ran into was Blue's middle toes. That's her in the middle. See her middle toe, all bend off to the side?...
What the heck causes that?
Most of them have been named. Of course! There's Blue, Andy(those would be the Blue Andalusians), Roady and Red(the Rhode Island Reds), Freckles, Cheep(Unknown layer breeds), Peep, Silver and Buff(Americanas). Not terribly original are we? LOL
Didn't take 'em long to figure out how to use the walk-way... And of course, Meg has a 'pet'...that would be her little Peep...
Oiy Vey...She's a chicken whisperer...
Oh c'mon.... pretty sure she's an "animals in general" whisperer lol
Your little flock looks pretty good. :)
Pretty darn nice digs.
heheh chickkeees. They are cute until they grow a comb and spurs and try and attack me.
Very good job with the girls' coop. I've always wanted to have some chickens to have fresh eggs, but hubby keeps poo-pooing the idea. Plus, I'm kind of scared of birds in general...long story.
So cute! They're loving their new coop :)
watch out for those dang coyotes :) Angie
I wish I had digs as sweet as that:) Cute names!
How long before you can expect your first home grown egg?
You've been a bloggin' fool lately!
I never thought for the world that I would become a "chicken person" and could never understand why people became so attached to chickens... but NOW that I have some, I totally get it!!! and you know all about my "Beeker".. who I am madly in love with. Your chickens have quite the home there, like ours!! I tell them that there are people who don't live as well as they do... do they care, NO... but they do give me some nice eggs!!!!
C-Should be July-August before these girls start laying. We may pick up a couple of older hens that are already laying. And we need a rooster too...I'm not sure if any of my Bantams are roosters or not yet.
Lots of blogging? Yea, lots going on around here. Good thing I don't try and include it ALL-LOL
OMG I wish we had grass that looked like that already!
Your chickens are looking great! I love the coop. Cannot wait until we have our own place and can put something up a little more permanant. Mine graduated outside about a month ago - and nobody has died! I predict a good chicken year! lol
OMG! I am sooooooooo envious of you right now! I so want to build a chicken coop and get some laying ladies! Awesome!
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