He was a very good boy...
I really feel sorry for the horse. He has been fat before, but never this soft.
Moon got a work-out too. He is not nearly as soft. There is a chiro going to be at the next barrel racing. I have never really been able to pin-point any indication that Moon is out, but I'm thinking I will take him and if the chiro looks like he knows what he is doing, I'll have Moon checked out. Until then, we will just continue forward with Moon's usually bending, suppling and conditioning.
This brat got worked again...
I do try to spend an equal amount of time, leading my youngsters from the off side to try to combat the one sideness that inevitably happens. It helps, but never seems to completely overcome the little 'issues' that pop up when working with youngsters. Of course, I have come across quite a few older horses with the same issue. It's just one of those things.
Shooter is all forward motion. Gawwwdddd...another Moon! Good thing I already have one like this under my belt.;) We are going to be spending a lot of time on rating his walk, stopping and backing up.
This little sweetheart went walk-a-bout too...
Beretta is the total opposite of Shooter in many ways. Although, they both seem to share their sire's friendly, people-loving attitude...Shooter is very much his mother's son and Beretta is sweet, tentative and seems to be seeking approval. I will have to make sure to keep her and Shooter apart so he does not corrupt her.;-)
Bad, bad shooter.
I've never had a problem with our babies being one sided but then again I lead them all over from both sides weaving through our old cattle barn to get to the grooming area.
Every baby I have had has had a favorite side and I spent loads of time leading them around from both sides taking them everywhere even through in-hand trail courses. I think it has to do with the horse. Pat was the least one-sided of all the babies I have handled, but he still was. You just work through it - I have even had them switch usually their 3 or 4 year old year. Weird. Anyways I just go with the flow and don't focus on it too much.
With your consistency they will come out ok.
so jealous of the warnm weather clothes! I still anm in the sweater/puffy vest stage. But it is coming . Shooter is having a teenage moment huh?Funny how can be so expressive
It was ALMOST warm enough for a Tshirt in the afternoon here in southern Idaho in the shadow of the snowy Owyhee mountains... but not quite.
- The Equestrian Vagabond
I was out in a t-shirt the other day too! Lovely!
Your horses look super happy- fat is a good color on a horse I always say.
Everyone has a good side and a bad side, ours usually match our horses don't ya think. It's something I think I will never get my own gelding over, his left is usually bad...
Girl, it's so nice to have you back and to see and read about your horses. It's so nice that you have Megan with you to help you!! I can't wait for my kids to be old enough to help me with training!! Sigh.....But dang girl, seeing "Sta-Puff" with a saddle on really put his gut into perspective!! LOL I wish all our horses wintered that well. I always have one TB that seems to not want to keep weight on.
I have a five year old that lunges to the right like a super star and is just so so to the left. I haven't worked with my yearlings yet. I need to get on the ball with that!!
Bad Shooter!! Why do they have to be such stinkers? I mean we all have a weak side, but they act like it is so terrible! Silly!
Beretta is such a cutie!! Love that picture of her and Megan!
Lucky you, tank top weather! We were in the mid 60's the other day, but I still had my long sleeve t-shirt on!
Ahh, these are the best times!! I'm so looking forward to watching what you girls do this summer. It's gonna be good!!
Well, I'll try this again for some reason I could not leave a comment and it was a long one. Yes it looks like heaven to me! Beautiful! I just had a couple of training tips if you're interested? Let me know. We have had two babies and have had an easy time training them. You have beautiful horses and this is a great thing for you and Meg to do together. You both look like naturals!
One of the two 4 yr olds that I just sold had that issue when we started their ground work years ago! I can remember numerous times almost being run over! Not a fun time but you'll get it nipped in the bud in no time! I LOVE that pic of Meg and Beretta!! So cool how they are in sync! OH I love to hear how they all are doing!
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