Fugly's post today about, yet another!!, bunch of horses seized from, yet another!! over zealous/overwhelmed horse person.
As always, it's disturbing that people let things get this bad and won't do anything about it. Even fugly admits that the slaughter option is still available.
No kidding! She really said it!
"Actually, you can send them to slaughter all day – doesn’t make it right, but you can."
Immediately they all go to dissing on this lady's stallions. Who knows what the horses look like now? One is reportedly dead. But there were two in the bunch I would take...and keep as stallions.
This guy would be my top pick of the two...and I'm not even a "paint" horse person per say....

Fugly's quote on what she thinks of him...
"#5, I just want to say he looks like a gelding. He’s spectacularly unspecial. The neck is short and the head/neck are coarse, and we have post legs again behind mixed with being a little bit sickle hocked for good measure."
Well, as they say...opinions are like (you know what). I happen to really, really like this horse.
It's so sad that fugly has such a narrow vision of what is acceptable in terms of conformation. Yea, if you compare this horse's neck to that of the horse's fugly has experience with...I'm sure it looks short.
Now if you look for horses like I do, I don't have a problem with his neck. Sorry fugly, but calf roping horses just aren't going to be sporting swan necks anytime soon. Neither are the vast majority of heel horses. There's a butt-load of Triple A race horses that have short necks too. Go figure!
He's a tad straight behind. Waaayyyyy better than the vast majority of Homozygous Paint horses. That little bit of sickle hock wouldn't deter me a bit either. I wonder if fugly has ever looked at a lot of the high dollar reining stallions across the country?
Then I looked up this guys bloodlines and I nearly drooled on the keyboard...
Boomerang Bang (He even has a cool name-LOL)
Holy Crap!!!
Anyone looking for a guaranteed color producing stallion for barrel horse prospects? This guy should produce some runners and users.
I bet he can run himself.
If anyone knows anything about this horse or the yellow stallion...let me know.
He is gorgeous!!! I am with you on that he will make someone a very nice horse.
I am with you. I so often disagreed with FHOTD that I had to quit reading it and the mob followers really put me off. This looks like a solid horse and also a kind eye as far as one can tell.
I liked the pally too , the mob mentality at FHOTD gets tired fast. Sad about the lot of them though , she appears to have had decent stock
I've never read Fugly much. I like that horse though, the bay color is flashy and amazing. I don't think he looks too poorly built, either.
Sad to hear about another horse seizure, though. :(
I agree not everything needs a swan neck. They need to start looking at a stallion for what he was bred for in his bloodlines, not just current trends.
Yeah man- I saw a few nice horses over there. Know what? I stopped my subscription to Horse Illustrated (wasn't that great, but it was pretty,) BECAUSE... Fugs writes a monthly column for them! (*rolling my eyes here*)
Sickle hocked huh? LMAO.. she ain't SEEN some of the sickle hocked pacing horses that are out there on the track! My old Appy was sickle hocked. Know what? He stayed SOUND for FORTY YEARS. Fat as a tick his entire life, too. And he WORKED. That horse was a pony horse for TB's in training, helped me start numerous young horses, trail rode, horse showed-- you name it, he and I did it.
Anyways-- that saying about opinions? ;) Yeah-- everybody has at least two. And neither one of them usually smell that great either ;)
I love this horse. Not every horse is perfect and I am sure he will be good at something!
I don't follow fugly, I hate all the negativity.
But back to the Paint, I totally agree with you, and I hope he goes to a good home!
Hes a nice looking horse. Fugs cannot see beyond her limited experience, but it is her minions that sicken me.
I'd happily eat glass before I'd agree with FUGLY...
And to top it off I dont think I've ver found fault with your taste in horses but...
I'm not crazy about this horse.
I like him well enough to buy him as a good working gelding but not so much a stud prospect. I dont like his hind end at all... not one part of it (hip, stifle gaskin, hock set, croup angle, or tail set. I also dont like the set of his withers. While my personal taste is for a different shaped neck, I agree with you that his neck is a workman's style and could get the job done. As for HomoZ color...dime a dozen.
What I do love about him is the last part of the horses that should matter- the ears! This horse has some CUTE freakin' ears. LOL
I'd cut the bits that dangle and keep him as a good gelding:) LOL
Sorry! But had to put in my two bits:)
Yes, everyone has opinions! Lol. I tried to get into FHOD but I quickly got tired of the negativity and their 'holier than thou' attitude. I say live and let live- as long as it is morally right and lawful. ;)
If you guys think he's good enough to be breeding stock, then, why shouldn't he be?
I quit reading FHOTD for the most part (I do still check in once in awhile) when I noticed that the mob mentality over there had gone way too far. (and they talk about other people "drinking the kool-aid, take a look in the mirror folks! lol)
I don't hate this horse by any means. I think too that that first shot doesn't show his neck off to the best advantage. Partly because of the photo and partly because the pattern of his coat/coloring may lead his neck to look shorter than it is.
I'd like to know who the heck made Fugs the expert on ALL thing horse. Yes she has had a lot of experience in certain areas, but that doesn't mean she knows everything about all aspects of the equine world.
Fugly makes me ill - literally, I get a terrible tummy ache every time I go there. All the negativity bothers me, as do the mindless followers who can't think for themselves. I do a lot with less than "perfect" horses, and they usually end up being perfect for someone. And not every stallion is perfect for every mare, just as not every mare is perfect.
He's not a halter horse, but think he looks useful and fun which is much more important to me and probably most people who want a horse. Pretty to look at vs fun to ride.
I haven't read Fugly in ages either - all that negativity is a bit of a downer. I'm sure she knows her stuff in some ways, but painting everything with the same brush isn't always the best idea...
I know very little about conformation, so I won't comment on that... But I wish there were more people like you who knew what they were doing with horses!!
OMG I had this horrible dream last night that you got SOOOO mad at me for writing that comment about this horse and created your own "hate page" for my blog LOL...
I need help:)
I love looking at horses and figuring out what I do and dont like about their conformation but I consider my opinion a PREFERENCE not a matter of fact (Fugly takes her opinion as fact) and some of the most awkward looking horses that every lived have done amazing things in sport and as sires. Hollywood Dun It was a million miles long, short legged and weird lookin (except for his gorgeous head)! Smart Little Lena is as crooked in his front end as they come. It's what they do with what they got that counts. I'd take a performing sire over a conformationally perfect one any day.
In my (not quite humble but fifty times more humble than fugly) opinion:)
Sorry Horse Crazed-I should have left a quick note telling you I didn't mind your assessment.
You(as always) got me to thinking though and I was sitting here working on a post. It's all good.:)
Hahaha-Just so ya know, before I get done writing, I would not care for this horse if he WAS a gelding. He is not good gelding material. How's that for confusing? LOL
Could you explain your last comment please? I think I understand....
I can't STAND Fugly! The reasons why? Well , it's been well explained by everyone else.
I think I agree with you - I bet this horse wouldn't make a good gelding. I think he's well built, I LOVE his neck, and who cares about a little sickle hock? If you aren't breeding for halter horses what doesn it matter? I've never known anyone to have problems.
Be interesting to see if he does have any progeny on the ground eventually.
HI! I am new to all this and just came across your blog. And I must say I agree with you. Something fugly just boggles my mind and IDK what to think. PS I am never done barrels or looked at QH's but I have been learning a lot from older blogs and may have to give it a show and see how it goes!!!
I stopped reading Fugly a long time ago, she is stupid. Just plain and simple. When I looked at that horse, I saw a roping horse. He is built like a perfect roper. Nice high short thick neck!! My FIL has a mare just like him!! ha ha ha! And my assessment was before I looked at his pedigree. I think he would make a great rodeo horse. Barrels or roping. It's sad that Fugly can't look past her "perfect" horse. If she saw my Peanut horse she would rip him to shreds, but I love him and wouldn't trade him for the world.
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