I was really hoping to have pictures back before spilling the beans...
Can you guess what else happened in Vegas?????
Yep...We finally did it. My Honey and I got married!!!!
It was very simple. Just the four of us that went. Oh, and MH's concierge came...he is such a cool guy.
I promise...as soon as I get the pics, I'll post them. Megan and I found the most beautiful dresses. It wasn't easy, there was some mad shopping the night before...but we found them.
OMG! Congrats!! If Josh and I could do it again, thats exactly what we would have done!
I can't wait to see the dresses and pictures!
wow congratulations!!!!!
well holy shit! congrats
Wow! Congratulations! Were you planning it or did he spring it on you or??? More details please!
Congrats! We got married there too and still go back often. I, too, am looking forward to your pics.... and what a GREAT way to get there - plane and limo... great rooms, too :-) I wish you many many happy years!
But ummm, maybe you should have called THIS post "the best part" and gave the bathroom post a different name! lol
Again, congrats and best wishes for a life together full of love, health, happiness and fun.
Congratulations! What an awesome trip this was for you.
Well FINALLY! ;) hehehe
Many Many Happy Years to come for the two of you!!!
Much love to all y'all from our little corner of the world!
YESSS! Congrats to all. What a great trip!
Congrats! Haha typical vagas wedding haha
OMG!!!! Congratulations!!!! I am glad that I made you my first stop on my return to blogging. :)
Congrats you two, been a long time coming. NOW GIVE UP THE PICS. RIGHT NOW. DANG YOU!!
Oh how wonderful!!! and yes we would love to see the pics!!! many happy wishes to you both for a long and happy life together!!!
Did I call it or WHAT!!
Congratulations to you all! Fantastic finish to an otherwise crappy year! Girl- I like your style~
Thanks you guys!!!
It's kinda funny...we have gone to Vegas several times in the last 6 years, planning on getting married.
Seems once we got there, started having fun, drinking, gambling and so on...we never quite got around to the "getting married" part-LOL.
So yes, we have been planning this for quite some time. This time we finally got 'er done.;)
Oh and VG-I was really surprised you were the only one who mentioned the "drive through chapels". LOL
I've been driving Mrs Mom crazy the past couple of days because I drug out the posts. I called her when we was in Vegas and told her we were actually going to make it official.
Of course, once we got home, we had to call our mom's and tell them.:O
Chris' mom was esctatic. Even my mom was happy.
Just one more time. OMIGOD!!! Congratulations!!!
Congrats and best wishes!!! How awesome and fun!
Glad to hear that the Mom's (including Mrs. Mom! lol) were happy about your news.
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Girl I am so happy for you!! How exciting!! Congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful dresses!! I am so very happy for you!!!!!
How did I miss this post? Crazy me!
CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you guys!! That is so awesome!
Can't wait to see the pics!!
I am so happy for you both! Congratulations!!
Not the finale...beginnings!!
Definitely the best part, huh?
Although that bed, that bathroom..
Congratulations! I agree with Vaquerogirl, great finish to an otherwise crappy year!
So was this the reason for the trip or impromtu plans once you arrived??
Woot Woot! Congrats! Steve & I got married in Vegas!
Well Good Lord Girl!!! Not like you could give a little heads up or anything.
You know I don't have links.*sniffle and whine*ROTFLMAO
And that suite!! WOW!! And you left me home?
Seriously wishing you all the very best...
Now I must run off to my blog and tell everyone what you did.LOL
Wonderful news ! Congrats ,I wish you all the happiness in the world!
OMG!!! I KNEW IT!!! Last time I read your post I was thinking.. I bet she's going to go and get married!! CONGRATS!!!! I am SO happy for you! I cant wait to hear more about it and pics too! That is SO awesome!!!
Yay :) Happy Day, Best wishes, and show us the pics...Hugs to you all!!
How wonderful is that?!? Congratulations!!!!
Wishing you all the best in the world...for years to come~~
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