It's warmed up enough that this little girl got to go outside and play in snow for the first time in her life...

Megan came and helped so that just in case she decided to get overly excited, we could keep her between us to prevent a slip and fall. It's rather slick outside the barn door from foot traffic.

She did really, really well though. Beretta is so incredibly light in the face that the slightest pressure and she comes right around. When she gets uncomfortable, rather than try to pull away, she would rather stick her nose in your armpit. She just has the sweetest personality and way about her.
this JERK!...

Oi Vey! Shooter is making me crazy, he is so naughty. I keep telling him he isn't
all that, but he don't listen.
Aw, first day in the big snow! Shooter may be naughty, but he's looks will get him by every time. It's kind of like the's always the rebels every one likes and wants to chase after! ;) We're suckers for some 'tude!
Fun to watch them rip around in the snow,as long as they stay safe, a tough balance ,but worth it
WHOOHOOO!! GO Beretta!! She's looking good BECG! And Shooter.... lawsy me.... pardon me whilst I blow dry my keyboard after drooling on it looking at that colt...
SMACK them hams from me! LOL ;)
I still can't get over that you all have snow and we STILL don't. I want to see my little guy in it for the first time.
BTW - I tagged you for a photography tag on my blog! Go see for details!
Yeah a couple weeks ago I have a 5 year old lead outside and freak about the snow like she had never seen it before. Then again she freaks if a new road apple is in the barn isle.
What a sweetheart! She looks great in the snow.
Shooter, Shooter. If you're not careful you're going to find yourself on the wrong side of momma!
Hmmm, has Shooter heard all the buzz in Blogland about how good lookin he is? Maybe his ego is getting over-inflated? lol
Dang it I still love the looks of Miss Beretta... and I don't usually like a lot of white on a bay.
Right there is where you went wrong... he IS all that... and a bag of chips:)
Beretta's lookin' great and it's nice to hear how sweet she is too! Shooter's just a growin' boy...and a mighty handsome one too!
You can tell him BECs. But telling aint hearing.
And in his case? I am thinking he has the right of it.
He is a very handsome dude...
LMAO-I was telling my mom that Shooter has absolutely no humility and she started laughing. She asked me where I think he would have gotten any from? Certainly not his mother and not likely from the fact that he has been treated like a little prince from the day he was born. BRAT!
From the sounds of it...Little Guns is going to have the same kind of "I'm special and I know it" attitude. Mom tells me the funniest stories about him. I can't wait to see that little stinker again.
I'm ready for rodeo/horse show season...what about you guys?
Greetings from SoDak. Road last Sunday in the snowy Black Hills. It was fantastic. Here's my blog in case you get homesick.
What fun!! A playday in the snow. Oh shooter!! He is all that!! Didn't you already know it? ha ha ha!
She is a little cutie, glad she has the personality to go with it!
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