What beautiful pics you have posted! I know ya'll have SOME weather up there. Here on the Ozarks Ponderosa it was ten below this morn. This farm chick just had to break out in laughter when the weatherman said, "folks ya ain't seen nothin' yet, just wait 'till ya get a load of Thurs. and Fri. Burrrr~I'm in awe of how ya'll do it!
Our norn this time of year is 42.
From the hills and hollers of the Ozarks, ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!
I love your blog. I am getting to know you and your Honey. I tell my hubby things that you write and find myself saying my friend said. I love the snow pics, I know it must be cold, it is cold here in Tampa, at least for Tampa that is. Congrats on the marriage.
Can't wait to see the pics - and neither of you will have an excuse to forget your anniversary, either - LOL! (I know that's traditionally the guy's role, but I'm the culprit in our case.) In any case, sounds as if you did it up right. Best wishes for many happy returns of the day, in the words of Pooh Bear.
Looks like so much fun! I haven't ridden in the snow since I was a teen. Maybe I should try that this year, if we get more snow! I agree with everyone else, wedding pic's please!!!! Don't make us beg!
That's about the only way you can stay warm enough to stand riding around here right now! Bareback with chinks! Thank God I'm heading to Texas for winter as soon as mother nature gives me a break!
Oh I hope it's warmer than it looks LOL!!! I wish I could get out for a ride!!! I am hoping to at least be in the 20's before I attempt that!
What beautiful pics you have posted! I know ya'll have SOME weather up there. Here on the Ozarks Ponderosa it was ten below this morn. This farm chick just had to break out in laughter when the weatherman said, "folks ya ain't seen nothin' yet, just wait 'till ya get a load of Thurs. and Fri. Burrrr~I'm in awe of how ya'll do it!
Our norn this time of year is 42.
From the hills and hollers of the Ozarks, ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!
brr looks cold!
I love your blog. I am getting to know you and your Honey. I tell my hubby things that you write and find myself saying my friend said. I love the snow pics, I know it must be cold, it is cold here in Tampa, at least for Tampa that is. Congrats on the marriage.
*ehem* NOT the photos we are all dying to see!!!
Oh fine.... their cute anyways.
Congrats! You need to post wedding pics!!!
I can't believe you have so much snow there! We don't have any! I did get my first ride in - and it was cold!!!
Looks way too cold to be enjoyable! I'm with the masses - wedding pics?!?!?
Can't wait to see the pics - and neither of you will have an excuse to forget your anniversary, either - LOL! (I know that's traditionally the guy's role, but I'm the culprit in our case.) In any case, sounds as if you did it up right. Best wishes for many happy returns of the day, in the words of Pooh Bear.
Hey, I'll take a pic betwixt a horse's ears any day.
Best wishes for 2010!
I love winter pics but I don't enjoy riding in the cold.... Congrats on the wedding!
Looks like so much fun! I haven't ridden in the snow since I was a teen. Maybe I should try that this year, if we get more snow!
I agree with everyone else, wedding pic's please!!!! Don't make us beg!
That's about the only way you can stay warm enough to stand riding around here right now! Bareback with chinks! Thank God I'm heading to Texas for winter as soon as mother nature gives me a break!
Looks like a great day for a ride...and a good hot cup of something tasty afterward too!
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